JOOMLA is very usefull software which we can use to build web sites and powerful online applications.
Its not essential for its user to know about HTML,SQL,CSS .The user does not has to care about writing HTML code,managing SQL queries,creating style sheets.Though its very easy to use kind of software its installation might be somewhat difficult for first time users because mostly users are familiar with setup type of installation but JOOMLA is all very different.
We will also need a server(APACHE),SQL(MYSQL),PHP for using JOOMLA.
All the software needed for installing JOOMLA are in OpenSource and freely available.
Here are the steps to install JOOMLA
1.At first we need to download the setup from JOOMLA.ORG.Select the version you want to download and download the full package zip file.
2.Next Step we need to install PHP in our system.For this go to SYSTEM>ADMINISTRATION>SYNAPTIC PACKAGE MANAGER.
Press Ctrl+F and type php5 and mark it for installation and click apply.
3.Now we need to install MYSQL in our system.We need to install both MYSQL Client and MYSQL Server for using JOOMLA.
Press Ctrl+F and type mysql client and mark it for installation, then again press Ctrl+F and type mysql server and mark it for installation and click apply.
After installation a window will pop up to create an sql password.Enter password and confirm it.Make sure that you remember the password.
No need to enter user name because its by default "root" .
4.Next we need a server for working of JOOMLA and we can use Apache Server.For this go to SYSTEM>ADMINISTRATION>SYNAPTIC PACKAGE MANAGER.Press Ctrl+F and type apache and mark it for installation and click apply.
5.We have now completed installation of all basic requirement for JOOMLA.
I would recommend you to install phpmyadmin for ease of configuring and managing php and mysql.
For this go to SYSTEM>ADMINISTRATION>SYNAPTIC PACKAGE MANAGER.Press Ctrl+F and type phpmyadmin and mark it for installation and click apply.
After installing phpmyadmin a window will pop up to configure our web server.
in that select apache 2 and click forward.
We will also need a server(APACHE),SQL(MYSQL),PHP for using JOOMLA.
All the software needed for installing JOOMLA are in OpenSource and freely available.
Here are the steps to install JOOMLA
1.At first we need to download the setup from JOOMLA.ORG.Select the version you want to download and download the full package zip file.
2.Next Step we need to install PHP in our system.For this go to SYSTEM>ADMINISTRATION>SYNAPTIC PACKAGE MANAGER.
Press Ctrl+F and type php5 and mark it for installation and click apply.
3.Now we need to install MYSQL in our system.We need to install both MYSQL Client and MYSQL Server for using JOOMLA.
Press Ctrl+F and type mysql client and mark it for installation, then again press Ctrl+F and type mysql server and mark it for installation and click apply.
After installation a window will pop up to create an sql password.Enter password and confirm it.Make sure that you remember the password.
No need to enter user name because its by default "root" .
4.Next we need a server for working of JOOMLA and we can use Apache Server.For this go to SYSTEM>ADMINISTRATION>SYNAPTIC PACKAGE MANAGER.Press Ctrl+F and type apache and mark it for installation and click apply.
5.We have now completed installation of all basic requirement for JOOMLA.
I would recommend you to install phpmyadmin for ease of configuring and managing php and mysql.
For this go to SYSTEM>ADMINISTRATION>SYNAPTIC PACKAGE MANAGER.Press Ctrl+F and type phpmyadmin and mark it for installation and click apply.
After installing phpmyadmin a window will pop up to configure our web server.
in that select apache 2 and click forward.
Next it will ask the mysql server password enter the password created in earlier step and click forward.
6.Now we have completed installation of all support software needed for running JOOMLA.Now go to installation directory where we have downloaded file, right click that and extract the zip file there and change the folder name to a shorter one that we can easily remember(i have renamed it to joomla).
Now we have to first take the HOME FOLDER. From there go to FILESYSTE>VAR>WWW. Now copy the folder we renamed in the 5th step and paste it in WWW.
Now right click on the folder ,take PROPERTIES and then a window will open up.In that window select PERMISSIONS and set all FOLDER ACCESS to Create And Delete Files and save.
7.Now we begin the actual installation of JOOMLA.At first take any web browser(i wont recommend CHROME because i have heard about my peers having problem in using CHROME for joomla).
Open the browser and on the address bar type localhost/joomla.
Now the JOOMLA installation will start.Select language,then JOOMLA will check whether minimum installation configuration has been met.
Up next accept the license agreement and then input the sql-server username and password created then finish.
After installation remove the directory FILESYSTEM>VAR>WWW>JOOMLA>INSTALLATION.
CONGRATS..You have successfully completed JOOMLA.
Now you can use your browser and obtain Front-End:http://localhost/joomla
and Back-End:http://localhost/joomla/administrator.
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